Funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and York Rotary, the exhibition will open on 9 March 2022 during York International Women’s Week. It will celebrate 100 inspirational women who, from 1918 to 2018, have made a difference to the city of York and whose stories have not been told or only partially told. This will be showcased through a series of stories, images, community loans and related objects from the York Museums Trust collection.
HERSTORY.YORK are also working on: a walking trail with The Good Organisation; educational resources with local history teachers; a research guide with York Explore Library and Archives; and a book.
Kate Hignett, Founder of HERSTORY.YORK, said:
“We were dismayed to discover how few women appear in general history books about York compared to men (about nine men to one woman). The history of York is full of fascinating tales, but far too often it is focused on stories about men, told by men. It’s His Story”.
The HERSTORY.YORK project is neither exhaustive nor definitive in scope , it simply aims to make more women’s stories known and celebrated.